GoF – Chp 21: Hogwarts Kitchens

What to find: Item to collect : Brass pot.
Guidance: Click the Brass pot sitting on the floor, to the right of the big pot-pile.

What to find: Item to collect : Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Bean: Éclair.
Guidance: Click the Every-Flavour Bean sitting inside the copper dish to the left on the kitchen furniture by the small cabinet to the right.

What to find: Item to collect : Hogwarts tea towel.
Guidance: Zoom in once –> click the tea towel next to the tray by the corner of the table visible center.

What to find: Item to collect : Biscuit.
Guidance: Click the biscuit on the plate, sitting on the tray by the corner of the table visible center.

 Fill the Discovery Bar: All effects hidden in this moment are marked with a Golden Snitch like the one above.
Tip #1: Move the cursor over both sinks, once to fill and once to empty.
Tip #2: Move the cursor over the House-elf handing over the golden plate twice.

(Click on the image to enlarge.)